Last time, I mentioned how our DNA actually acts like some super conductor, the power for the incredible machine that are humans. In my post-scriptum, I’d started a sort of contest to see if any of you would know what else our DNA reacts to/with/whatever. Unfortunately, turns out no one was interested enough in it to venture a guess. Zannen desu. But oh well, you all still get another post from me, I won’t be so easily discouraged :D
Dakara. . .
Let’s move on to the next topic, which I think is just as interesting. Which is that our DNA actually reacts with light.
Yep, you’ve heard me right. (I know, I’m really excited about this topic as well!)
“Russian scientists have had a long history of looking at DNA in a . . .holistic fashion. Rather than just regarding it as a chemical structure, they have researched its vibrational and electrical qualities. Understanding that light is vital to life, they have discovered that the DNA molecule responds to photons of light. They claim it actually receives, harmonises, stores and transmits light - mainly in the blue part of the colored spectrum that we see in a rainbow.” (The Human Antenna, Dr. Robin Kelly)
Pretty crazy stuff, huh? I mean, don’t you feel like we’re in a Star Trek episode right now?
Jitsuwa it doesn’t seem that farfetched to me. Or the concept, at least. After all, wouldn’t this explain the hole aura notion? If our DNA can interact with light and even transmit it, then it would explain why our bodies have a double: one made entirely of light.

Mochiron, I have no idea how this transmits into different colors as well (aren’t auras supposed to have different hues?). Except that there’s a whole spectrum of colors associated with different frequencies of light, so maybe depending on our moods or health, the frequency of our DNA could potentially change the frequency of the light it emits, thereby changing the color of our aura?
Oh, ima sugoi meian ga ukandazo!
What if we could actually control that, so perfectly that we actually can cast a double of ourselves elsewhere? I mean, what if we could vary the vibrations of the light we transmit so that it’s projected away from us in a shape that looks exactly like us? Waah, that would be SO cool! Imagine all the possibilities associated with it. If I’d known how to do that before, I’d definitely have played lots of tricks on my brother and parents while growing up. Or. . . perhaps I could use it to pretend I’m at work, when in fact I’m lounging on the beach :p
Sore yori, that’s something to think about, ne?
Kimi no iken o kikasete kudasai!

PS: Yes, I’ve used this blog post to practice a little Japanese. Doesn’t it make it more fun to read?
PS2: OK, fine. No need to get angry. Here’s the translation for all the Japanese words/sentences used. No need to get violent now!
1) I’m truly sorry!
2) It’s too bad.
3) Therefore. . .
4) To tell the truth
5) Of course,
6) Oh, I just came with a great idea!
7) Anyway,
8) right?
9) Let me know what you think!
PS3: Wow! I had no idea I’d used so much Japanese. Must mean I’m learning somewhat. Hontoni ureshii!
PS4: I put the last picture here because I thought it looked really cool :)