Glad to have you all back here for today’s topic. Oh, wait, I see a few heads missing. Don’t tell me I’ve lost some of you to math?! Nooooo! Why oh why did you leave me?
*Coughs a few times*
After learning of your impending genius two weeks ago, I want to talk about harmonies beyond music. That’s right. The proportion between “perfect” frequencies cannot just be observed in music but on a much more macroscopic level as well. . .
“The Pythagoreans used music to heal the body and to elevate the soul, yet they believed that earthly music was no more than a faint echo of the universal ‘harmony of the spheres’.” (Kepler and the Music of the Spheres).
So how does that work? Well, basically, each planet = different note. The note depends on the ratio of the planet’s orbit around the sun.
This approach to our

There was just one problem: when looked at closely, it appeared the planets weren’t following those circular orbits. . .exactly.
And that’s where Kepler comes in, but that’s another story for another (next--to be more precise) time!
In the meantime, try to figure out what else in our lives follows the same harmonic proportions as musical notes :) (yep, I figured we’d end the blog entry with a fun game^^).