I’ve always watched that cartoon (no, I never read the comics, don’t kill me, please) wishing I could e one of those X-Men too, with super powers of my own (as long as I still looked like a human, of course). But what if us non-mutant-regular-so-not-super-powered humans could do it too? I’m speaking about doing something like Professor Xavier’s tricks, of course, not poofing in and out of places like Nightcrawler.

Yes. I’m being serious.
So here’s the deal. You know how when he uses his power (I said Professor X!), there are these wave thingies that seem to come out of his brain?
Well, I postulate that it’s his electromagnetic (EM) field acting. That’s right. Because you see, as I learned not too long ago (in the last year or so to be somewhat exact), our own brain has its own, if somewhat feeble EM field.
Yeah, I know, crazy huh? Well, anyway, there’s this super crazy theory out there called the Cemi Field Theory (stands for Conscious Electro Magnetic Information Field Theory) that says:
“There is considerable evidence that neurons do indeed communicate through the EM field (known as field coupling). The Cemi Field Theory . . . shows that the brain’s weak but complex EM field allows each cell instant access to the information contained in every other cell in the brain.” (p. 290, Lost Star of Myth and Time

Now, I don’t know if it’s anything that’s been proven 100% yet, but it hasn’t been disproved either. So let’s pretend it’s correct. Then what does it mean? Well, here’s my reasoning (and please, tell me if it’s flawed in any way--see comments section below):
1. Our thoughts create a reaction in the EM field around our brain:
“The starting point for these theories is the fact that every time a neuron fires to generate an action potential and a postsynaptic potential in the next neuron down the line, it also generates a disturbance to the surrounding [EM] field.” (Wikipedia).
2. Our EM Field then transmits the information to the rest of our body (so it’s not just our secreting hormones and other such gooey things that helps our body function).
3. Therefore, because of this link, if something outside of us affects our EM field, then it’s bound to affect us. Example: the weather affects us. If it’s gray all the time, people have a tendency to be moody, angry, depressed. Whereas the presence of sun generally has the opposite effect (we’ll talk about that in a later blog post). For instance, I know that when it’s rainy, I have a tendency to feel more tired than when it’s sunny.

Which reminds me, don’t perform acupuncture when there’s a storm outside, I heard it can be dangerous!
4. So if something external can affect us then we can affect the outside world as well:
“There’s a direct connection between nature and our bodies. But not only could weather have an effect on our bodies, so too could the emotional ‘field’ of others.” (p. 30, The Human Antenna: Reading the Language of the Universe in the Songs of Our Cells
, Dr. Robin Kelley).
Uhhh, I think I’m getting lost with all those numbers. Anyways, all I’m saying is that I think Professor X is just really, really good at using his EM field to interact with others. Now, if he could just hand us the How-To Manual, that would awesome. Cause I mean, even though I know there’s an EM field floating around my head, how the hell do I manage to control what it does, or how it affects others? (Is this where meditation comes in?)
Can you just imagine what it would be like? We wouldn’t need cell phones anymore, we could just tune in our EM fields and voilà, instant access to the one you’re calling, even in the middle of nowhere (though I’m thinking this might require our EM fields to be able to expand somehow till they “meet” the other EM fields we want to talk to, and I have NO idea how that would work).
Well, that’s my theory of the day. What do you think about it? I’m serious, I really wanna hear what you think on the subject. And I promise to take your ideas with the same consideration you’re taking mine with :)
- Alessa
PS: Speaking about X-Men, I can’t WAIT to go see X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It looks awesome. And here’s a little preview :)
4. So if something external can affect us then we can affect the outside world as well:
“There’s a direct connection between nature and our bodies. But not only could weather have an effect on our bodies, so too could the emotional ‘field’ of others.” (p. 30, The Human Antenna: Reading the Language of the Universe in the Songs of Our Cells
Uhhh, I think I’m getting lost with all those numbers. Anyways, all I’m saying is that I think Professor X is just really, really good at using his EM field to interact with others. Now, if he could just hand us the How-To Manual, that would awesome. Cause I mean, even though I know there’s an EM field floating around my head, how the hell do I manage to control what it does, or how it affects others? (Is this where meditation comes in?)
Can you just imagine what it would be like? We wouldn’t need cell phones anymore, we could just tune in our EM fields and voilà, instant access to the one you’re calling, even in the middle of nowhere (though I’m thinking this might require our EM fields to be able to expand somehow till they “meet” the other EM fields we want to talk to, and I have NO idea how that would work).
Well, that’s my theory of the day. What do you think about it? I’m serious, I really wanna hear what you think on the subject. And I promise to take your ideas with the same consideration you’re taking mine with :)
- Alessa
PS: Speaking about X-Men, I can’t WAIT to go see X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It looks awesome. And here’s a little preview :)