adversaria: (pl) (n) a miscellaneous collection of notes, remarks, or observations.
March 29, 2012
March 27, 2012
Filthy Lying Writers!
Not much going on in the writerly department these days, to my greatest horror. Not until I got kicked in the derriere with this particular article... Fellow writers, beware, the deadly lies we tell ourselves:
(Disclaimer: not for the faint of heart. R-rated)
- I don't have time!
- It's okay I didn't write today, I'll do it tomorrow!
- I'll come back to this story after I write this other story!
- Oh noes, writer's block again!
- I can only write when the muse allows!
- My creative spark hath been extinguished!
- My characters are in control!
- That's not bad writing, that's my voice!
- I write only for me!
- I don't need an editor!
- I don't need to do any planning!
- I have nothing more to learn!
- I need [insert some bullshit here] to help me write!
- I need to write like [insert some other asshole's name here]!
- If I write, they will come!
- Money just cheapens the creative process!
- This draft needs to be perfect!
- My crap isn't as crappy as some other crap!
- But first I need to build my brand!
- Nobody has ever thought of this idea before!
- Writing should be easy/Delicious misery!
- This [insert system of publishing] is the only way!
- I'm the last beautiful Dodo bird on Earth!
- Writing is not a viable career/I can never do this professionally!
- I suck moist open ass!
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Chuck Wendig |
March 16, 2012
Best Of Friends - Part 3

Tsunamis and hurricanes are devastating forces of nature. Often, though, we don't hear the rest of the animal kingdom's side of the story, which often doesn't have a happy ending... Except perhaps with this baby hippopotamus.
Owen, less than a year old, managed to survive a Christmas tsunami on the Kenyan coast, but his mother did not.

However, he found an adoptive parent in a centennial tortoise in the Lafarge park of Mombasa.

Doesn't matter that the tortoise is a male, they still eat, swim and sleep together.

But don't come too close to this happy pair, for Owen's quite protective and will try to bite you. And don't let his young age fool you. Even a baby hippo weighs more than 300 kilograms!
March 13, 2012
Best Of Friends - Part 2

On to another amazing story (for more of the same kind, you can visit the ducks, or even zombie cat & doe).

This one's about an orphan orangutan, Roscoe, three years of age, who lives in a zoo in northern California. He was so depressed from having lost his family, that he wouldn't eat or do anything at all. The vets were sure he was going to die...

When an old dog was rescued near the zoo and, in the operations room, the two bonded. Since then, they've become inseparable.
They even swim together (though Roscoe is somewhat suspicious of the water)...

...and take walks together.

They truly are bosom buddies!
March 11, 2012
Best Of Friends - Part 1
Not that I want to dedicate my whole blog to these types of stories, but they're so heartwarming, I actually find them quite inspirational. Hence, here's another lovely tale.
In Harrisburg, PA, a doe's taken a fancy to a tabby and every morning she comes to pay a visit...
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Rawr, I'm a Lion! |
In Harrisburg, PA, a doe's taken a fancy to a tabby and every morning she comes to pay a visit...
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Well, I'm a zombie! Beat that! |
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Ha! Wanna see a real zombie? |
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But in the end, they still love each other :) |
March 8, 2012
The Secret Behind Coral Castle Is. . . Antigravity?
What if I told you that, here in America (Florida, to be a
little more precise), a man built a castle all on his own? No, no, not a sand castle, though I’ve seen
some pretty epic ones. No, this man
built a whole, entire castle of coral rock (oolitic limestone) which a little
man of the name of Ed Leedskalnin built over the span of 28 years.

But how did this man do it?
After all, we’re not talking about small tiny pieces of coral that one
can place in a home aquarium. These rocks
average 27 tons with the largest one reaching 27 tons.
People claim that Leedskalnin used some unknown technology
involving levitation or antigravity. Others that he was able to manipulate his
own chi (life energy) to lift those blocks up.
Some claimed that he sang the songs into place.
But what did the man himself say?
“I have discovered the secrets of the pyramids, and have
found out how the Egyptians and the ancient builders in Peru, Yucatan, and
Asia, with only primitive tools, raise and set in place blocks of stone
weighing many tons!”
And it had something to do with celestial alignments,
measurements, and electromagnetism. . .
Granted, no one was able to corroborate the fact, as he only
worked at night. But I have my own
theory on that: in truth, the man was
the origin of the Hulk (aka Mr. Hyde), and that’s why he could only work at night! I say, I rather like my hypothesis!
For more information:
Wikipedia (of course)
March 7, 2012
Just Do It
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Nike, goddess of victory |
Successful people do all the things unsuccessful people don't want to do.
When it comes down to it, that's really what I need right now: to just sit, write, and work on my art, vs. always going out with friends and partying, or relaxing after a long day's work like other people. Because if I want to succeed with my writing, I need to work on it even when I don't feel like it. Even if I've had 16-hour days. Sleep? Psha! Who needs that?
What kind of sacrifice do you feel you need to make to get to your goal?
March 6, 2012
A Duck's Tail
Joel, a worker at the Sterling Bank in Spokane, WA, works on the second floor of a building on Riverside Ave. A few weeks ago, he noticed a mallard duck had made her nest by his window which stands about 10 feet above the ground. Ten days later, it had laid 10 eggs.
With spring, the ducklings came out of their shells...
Joel was wondering how the duck was going to lead her babies to the nearest water spot, so he kept an eye on them. The next day, he saw the duck fly down to the sidewalk and call to the little ones to join her, cackling encouragements. Finally, a brave little duckling threw himself off the windowsill and landed next to his mother, somewhat groggy.
Realizing that this fall could be fatal to the tiny birds, Joel hurried downstairs and hid under the porch while the duck was still calling her children over to her. But, when the next bird jumped off, Joel came out from under his cover, caught the little avian then set it down next to his brother.
One by one the ducklings jumped off the windowsill, and one by one Joel would catch them and place them by their mother, until the whole family was complete, to the mother duck's delight.
However, Joel realized that the duck family's labors were not over, as the nearest water spot was the Spokane river, which runs a few blocks away. Understanding their plight, some of the workers from the bank came down with a box for Joel. In went the ten little ducklings under the watchful eye of their mother.
Then, for the next few hundreds of feet, Joel walked with the box held low, followed closely by the mother duck.
When they made it to the river, the duck hurried in the water and quacked for her children to join her. Joel then put the box on the ground and the ducklings hopped out of it and waddled over to the river.
The duck then continued to quack to Joel and the other bank workers who'd followed, thanking them for their hard work, did a few circles before of them in the water as well, then swam away, her brood following in tight formation.
The End
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