In the Late Middle Ages, at a time when the crusades were
over and Europe was ravaged by pestilence and the Black Death, eyes turned their
eyes to the valiant princes of the past for direction.
The Nine Worthies were therefore considered to be:
I. The Good Pagans:
a) Hector – The greatest fighter in the Trojan War. He was
courageous and “peace-loving, thoughtful and bold, and a good son, husband and
father.” A truly noble figure. He died at the hands of Achilles.
b) Alexander the Great – a prince of Macedonia in ancient
times who was tutored by Aristotle then became the ruler of one of the largest
empires of the time, spanning from Greece to India. Known for having cut the Gordian Knot.
c) Julius Caesar – the first Roman Emperor (or more like “dictator
in perpetuity”) who defeated Gaul and expanded the power of Rome to Germany and
Great Britain. He was assassinated by Marcus Junius Brutus at the tender age of
II. The Good Jews:
a) Joshua – Became the leader of the Israelites after Moses’s
death, for whom he spied in Canaan. Once
Moses dead, he lead his people to the conquest of that land which he later
apportioned into tribes.
b) David – Second King of Israel and an ancestor of Jesus according
to the Christian Bible, considered to be a (mostly) righteous king, a warrior,
poet and musician, among other things.
c) Judas Maccabeus – One of the greatest warriors in Jewish
history. The son of a priest, he and his
brothers started a revolt against the Seleucid ruler who had forbidden to practice
the Jewish religion, using guerrilla warfare to defeat the superior Seleucid
army. His death inspired the Jews to not
give up and, after a few more years of battle, they were able to achieve their
III. The Good Christians:
a) King Arthur – According to legend, Arthur defended the
Britons against the invading Saxons.
Myths depict him as having been guided early on by a wily Merlin, and
leading his people to victory in many battles with the help of the Knights of
the Round Table and his trustworthy sword Excalibur (gifted to him by the Lady
of the Lake). At his death, his body was
buried in the mysterious Isle of Avalon.
b) Charlemagne – King of the Franks and later first Emperor
of the Holy Roman Empire after the collapse of Rome. He defended Christianity and spread its teachings with victorious battles
throughout Europe. He also encouraged
art, religion and culture (he is known notably for creating schools).
c) Godfroi de Bouillon – A Medieval Frankish knight who lead
the First Crusade into capturing Jerusalem and became its first Christin ruler
(he apparently refused to be called a King).
Anyone who aspired to be a truly chivalrous person needed to
study and emulate their lives.
The World of King Arthur
Wikipedia (
Alexander the Great,
Julius Caesar,
Judas Maccabeus,
King Arthur,
Godfroi de Bouillon)