July 1, 2013

Cancer, A Byproduct Of Modern Society?

I recently came upon this article which describes how, after numerous studies (including the analysis of hundreds of Egyptian mummies), it was concluded that cancer was probably a “man-made” disease.

Crazy, isn’t it?

Here are some key points from the article:

  • 'The virtual absence of malignancies in mummies must be interpreted as indicating their rarity in antiquity, indicating that cancer-causing factors are limited to societies affected by modern industrialization.'   ~Professor Michael Zimmerman
  •  Out of hundreds of mummies, only one showed cancerous cells, despite the fact that the process of mummification should preserve those cells more easily than healthier ones (don’t ask me for the science behind that, I’m just reporting what I’ve read).
  •  Lifespan shouldn’t be a factor because despite their shorter lives, these mummified people still displayed other signs of age.
  • 'In industrialized societies, cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as a cause of death. But in ancient times, it was extremely rare.  There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.' ~Professor David

 And the conclusion of this whole study is…

‘Scientists now say a healthy diet, regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can prevent about a third of the most common cancers so perhaps our ancestors’ lifestyle reduced their risk from cancer.’  ~Dr. Rachel Thompson



  1. The third bullet is not convincing at all, and I still prefer a simpler explanation for *most* cancers these days. Cancer is predominantly an older people disease, and the modern prevalence of cancer is the result of much, much increased lifespan, obesity epidemic notwithstanding.

  2. Perhaps you are right. But at the same time, considering how complex the human body is, it's also possible that the cause for cancer can be a lot more complicated than the "simpler explanation" that is old age.
    However, I'm in no way an expert on the matter, and I thought this particular research brought some interesting points to light.


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